Recovery Dad & Recovery Girl reveal their plans for the new podcast.

It's our very first episode, and we're excited to get started. We talk about how eating disorders are confusing for both the parents and kids who suffer from them. For some reason there's a lot of shame around eating disorders. This leads to people feeling isolated and alone.

We're here to say you aren't alone.

This podcast is for families or anybody dealing with an eating disorder. We'll usually talk about anorexia, and usually in girls. But we understand that there are other eating disorders, and that boys and adults get them. You won't be forgotten. It's just that anorexia is the most common, and it's usually found in girls. That's what we had experience with.

We hope to provide you with the things we wish we had known when we started. Expect features on coping skills, recipes, and a look at the counterintuitive, upside-down world of eating disorders.

We talk in this episode about the many triggers out there, and the challenge the whole family faces in ignoring them and the unhelpful comments you're bound to get from others.

Even though eating disorders are not about the food, food is an important part of the treatment. In future episodes we'll talk about food, recipes, kitchen techniques, and ways to make food a fun and tasty part of recovery. Don't worry if you aren't an experienced cook. We'll have resources to help with that. But before we talk about food in a way that might be triggering, we'll warn you so that the parents can listen first. This episode is for everybody - trigger free.

We're planning regular features like:

  • Recovery Girl's Coping Skills
  • Recovery Dad's Tips for Distraught Parents

We'll do our level best to make sure the advice we give is based on solid science. But we are not psychologists, therapists, doctors, or dietitians. We won't take the place of a good medical team. If your doctor or professional tells you something different, do what they say!

Episodes will drop on the 1st and 15th of the month. Be sure to tune in on September 15th for Episode 2: It's Not About The Food.

TECH NOTE: If this episode vanishes from iTunes temporarily (early September, 2014) please check back in a day or two. We're still ironing out the process.

Awesome music by Allen Simpson.

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AuthorRecovery Dad